By all accounts so far voiced to me, the impact investing forum with Credit Suisse was successful. Many thanks to all of you for your participation, in person and remotely.
Below I have sketched out some of the deliverables that Fund Balance is focused on moving forward.
Many of you have been in touch recently to put forward ideas or continue the discussion. Please let me know if I can make introductions or help with your agenda. Any concerns or problems, please also let me know.
Working with Fund Balance and our partners (you), Credit Suisse will be better able to:
1. Understand how addressing sustainability and social responsibility themes drives core business in acquiring private banking clients, securing asset management mandates, and generating investment banking business.
2. Improve ESG risk and opportunity ID across the balance sheet and asset classes.
3. Generate ESG product for pipeline and platform across asset classes.
4. Vet product independently and generate matched introductions to asset owners through licensed securities professionals.
5. Better understand, contribute to, and access African opportunities, and community development finance globally.
6. Improve the holistic design of its business and portfolio as it relates to the holistic quality of life and quality of the world in which it operates.
Although it is essential not to let business objectives overwhelm the mission of human civilization in the 21st century, strategically locating the humanitarian and ecological mission in a business driver position makes its uptake and rollout easier. Somewhat paradoxically, placing mission in the key role of sales driver results in better and more focused execution than if mission is viewed as neutral from a business perspective.
We have created a private LinkedIn Group where members with initiative can explore these opportunities and responsibilities further. If you did not receive a message to join the group, lease let me know.
I look forward to your questions, concerns or comments, and remain at your service,
R. Leland Lehrman
Partner, Fund Balance
(518) 392-0952