Future Policy Award 2014: Call for nominations In 2014, the Future Policy Award will celebrate exemplary laws and policies that contribute to ending one of the most pervasive, worldwide human rights violations: violence against women and girls. One in three women will be raped or beaten in her life time. To coincide with the global day of actionOne Billion Rising for Justiceour international call for nominations of exemplary policies was issued on February 14. Nominated measures can be laws, regulations, policies or action plans. They can be local, national, regional or international in nature, and must have been in existence for long enough to prove effective Karin Heisecke heads our new three-year project Ending Violence
against Women.
Kehkashan Basu honored by Dubai municipality Our Youth Ambassador Kehkashan Basu, 13, has been honored by Dubai Municipality. She was presented with a certificate of appreciation for her unflagging commitment to the environment. Kehkashan is the founding president of Green Hope UAE, a youth organisation working for sustainable development. It is her goal to motivate children and teenagers to participate in the movement for a sustainable future. She is already setting a great example for everyone!
WFC study: misguided austerity policies cost trillions
As a consequence of short studyestimates the value of lost production at 2.3 trillion U.S. dollars annually. This corresponds to the gross domestic product of the United Kingdom. The Eurozone alone is losing at least 580 billion Euros annually as a result of public wfc founder Jakob von Uexkull: “Given the huge challenges we face including stopping climate change and overcoming poverty, it is shocking that such a large economic potential remains untapped because of misguided policies.” Read more in ourpress release.
More than 3.000 people follow @Good_Policies on Twitter!
Good news travel fast: We are happy to announce that we now have more than 3.000 followers on Twitter! For daily updates on all our work areas follow @Good_Policies!
Coming Up
3rd Zero Project Conference: Accessibility for all – 27-28/2 Vienna: The third Zero Project Conferencewill be held on 27 and 28th February 2014 at the UN in Vienna. Innovative policies and practices will be presented that highlight how the “Right to Universal Accessibility of Persons with Disabilities” has been translated into practice in different countries around the world. More than 400 international conference Parliamentary Hearing “Building Political Will for 100 % Renewable Energy” – 20-21/3 Brussels: The energy. Confirmed Stefan Schurig (WFC) and many more. TheDraft Agenda is available for download.
BRAINPOoL Conference – 24/3
Paris: The conference “Beyond gdp – from measurement to politics and policy” will present the key findings and recommendations ofBRAINPOoL (“Bringing Alternative Indicators into Policy”). The WFC, along with six other organisations, is part of this EU-funded project. At the conference, held at the OECD in Paris, we will explore the need for a shift to a green economy and toward policy designed to increase well-being, focussing on how to achieve both a Beyond gdp narrative that can win electoral support, and the integrated, innovative policy-making that is needed for Beyond GDP indicators to influence policy
World Urban Forum – 5-11/4 Medellin: The World Urban Forum is the world’s biggest gathering of cities. It takes place every two years and is organized by the UN. In the context of this year’s Forum from April 5 to 11 in Colombia, the networking event on regenerative urban development to address the questions “How can cities create a mutually beneficial relationship with their hinterland?” and “What is the role of cross-sector collaboration in closing a city’s resource loops?”
Activities Update
Regional Renewable Policy Roundtable – 10-11/2
Nairobi: East African energy stakeholders were invited to an intensive policy workshop on how to unlock Africa’s untapped renewable energies potential. The wfc and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Kenya jointly organized the event. Ansgar Kiene, Director of our africa Office, presented the findings of the WFC study “Powering Africa Through Feed-In Tariffs“. In her opening statement, our Councillor Wanjira Mathai highlighted the relevance of renewable energies for development: “africa. Harvesting renewable energy requires a holistic view and a cross sectoral approach where private companies, policy makers and civil society organizations align their objectives towards a common goal.”
14th International Conference of Chief Justices – 13-17/12 Lucknow, India: World Future Council founder Jakob von Uexkull delivered a keynote address at the 14th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World (The World Judiciary Summit 2013) in which he made strong appeal for judicial activism: “It is on you that our hope now rests, the hope that you will decide to become lawyers and judges for life, protecting wherever and whenever you can, the survival, peace and security of present and future generations!”
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