Will New Global Standard for Corporate Sustainability Reporting Corral Wild West of ESG?

Tommy MalettaReforming Global Finance, SRI/ESG News, Beyond GDP, Transforming Finance, Latest Headlines

By Eugene Ellman, Corporate Knights

New ISSB standard offers hope that the bewildering array of corporate sustainability disclosure guidelines will finally come to an end

ESG, sustainability standards

The global accounting profession has launched a single standard for company environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting, raising expectations that the bewildering array of corporate sustainability disclosure systems will finally come to an end. 

The new standard, published by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), is the product of 18 months of planning and consultation. It carries the weight and authority of ISSB’s parent organization, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation, the global organization that sets standards for the accounting profession. 

By establishing a “global baseline” for sustainability reporting, the standard will “enable comparable and consistent sustainability disclosures across global capital markets,” according to ISSB.  

The standard marks a frontier in corporate reporting, says Emmanuel Faber, ISSB chair and former CEO of French food products company Danone.  

“We were standing till this morning on one side of that frontier,” Faber said in remarks June 26 in London at the launch of the standard. The framework will create an “accounting-based language,” he said, in contrast with existing “ESG metrics and disclosures which can be inconsistent, which can be competitive against each other, redundant, and overlapping with gaps.”