Who Are the Smart Grid Players to Watch in 2012?

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Who Are the Smart Grid Players to Watch in 2012?
GTM Research shares more intel from The Networked Grid 150 report.

Who is the World Leader in CIGS Solar Shipments?
It’s not Stion or Nanosolar or Solibro or MiaSole or any other VC-funded startup.

Low Concentration PV Deployments From SunPower and Skyline Solar

Less balance-of-system and less exotic than HCPV; perhaps a better LCOE than flat-panel solar?

Cisco’s New Smart Grid Push (Updated)

Cisco launches smart grid field area networking, architecture services and a network management system to manage it all.

The Smart Grid Network of Networks Comes of Age

The smart grid trend of 2012 is the network management system, and Cisco and SK Telecom’s GridMaven have just joined the fray.

People Power Partners With Monster and Mystery Asian Manufacturers

“Super simple” is People Power’s goal.

Impressions of the Wind Tower Trade War

Looking at the recent accusations of unfair trade practices from legal, Chinese, and Vietnamese perspectives