Local Farmers Markets
A farmer’s market is one in which farmers, growers, or producers from a defined local area sell their own produce directly to the public. They are usually outdoors, in public spaces, and all products sold are grown, reared, caught, brewed, pickled, baked, smoked, or processed by the farmers. In addition, farmers’ markets often feature naturally or organically grown produce, meats raised humanely on pasture, handmade farmstead cheeses, eggs, and poultry from free-range fowl, as well as heirloom produce and heritage breeds of meat and fowl.
The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) provides information on locating local farmers markets.
Please note: AMS works to maintain a current listing of farmers markets throughout the United States. Various sources, including state market representatives, market managers, and consumers, provide market information to AMS. To add or change market information, please contact the AMS Marketing Services Branch.
National Farmers Market Week 2011 will take place August 7 through 13.
Locate your local farmers market — visit the link in the FAQ at USA.gov.