What happened last Saturday…

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Global Citizen, Latest Headlines

“Ethical Markets supports Global Justice Now for its leadership in making sure that fossil reserves are kept in the ground, as well as the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty now also gathering global support.

Hazel Henderson, Editor“



In London, a ‘corporate court circus’ rolled into town for a walking tour that highlighted the cases of Uniper and RWE, who are both suing the Dutch government over phasing out coal power, and Ascent Resources who is suing Slovenia for requiring an environmental impact assessment on fracking plans.


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Many of you took action online, and up and down the country, groups held stalls and protests:

In Ayrshire


In Edinburgh


In Reading


We wrapped the day up with a webinar, hearing from speakers from Bolivia, Argentina and Italy. If you weren’t able to make it, you can catch up with the webinar recording:

Watch the webinar