We Mean Business June 2017 Newsletter

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Reforming Global Finance

In the fight for our planet, we plan to work side-by-side

France’s President Emmanuel Macron, after pledging to work with India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi on addressing climate change.

Welcome to theWe Mean Business coalition’s June newsletter. This month saw the unprecedented “We’re Still In” campaign bring together the voices of more than 2,000 American businesses, investors, mayors, governors, college and university leaders. Joining forces for the first time, they declared continued support for climate action to meet the Paris Agreement, in response to President Trump’s regrettable decision to withdraw the United States from the Agreement.

World flags

Also this month, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s below50 initiative becomes a coalition commitment for companies to make through the We Mean Business Take Action campaign. below50 promotes and develops best-of-breed sustainable fuels to achieve significant emissions reductions.

And today sees the landmark release of the FSB’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures final report, which recommends that climate information be embedded in mainstream corporate financial filings. The recommendations are a springboard to deliver on the Paris Agreement and welcomed by the coalition.

Trump’s withdrawal from Paris invigorates climate action 

President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the historic Paris Climate Agreement was met with widespread dismay. However, the reaction from many political leaders, multinational businesses and the general public has been one of emboldened support for climate action.