Watch ISC on NewsHour

kristySustainability News

Dear Friends,

Last night, PBS’s NewsHour aired a short segment on the tremendous cost that China’s industrial growth—largely fueled by coal—has had on the environment. As a result, China now generates more greenhouse gasses than any other country.

ISC’s Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Academy in Guangdong was highlighted as one solution. With a second site in Jiangsu, our Academies will train 4,000 factory managers each year.

Through efforts like these, ISC is helping both the United States and China accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy, rein in energy use, and achieve significant reductions in toxic pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Watch the segment here.


George Hamilton

PS: ISC’s annual countdown to Earth Day is well underway. This year we’re highlighting 22 of the many partners who help us do exceptional, innovative work around the world.