We at Ethical Markets agree with Jeremy Rifkin, which is why we produce our GREEN TRANSITION SCOREBOARD® which received official recognition at RIO+20, Hazel Henderson, Editor
(Click on the image to watch video. Mr Rifkin’s lecture begins at 1:09:30)
Brussels, May 29th, 2012.
Jeremy Rifkin gave a keynote address at the European Commission’s conference on green growth: Europe At The Lead Of The New Industrial Revolution, held in Brussels on May 29th. Mr. Rifkin outlined the European Union’s Third Industrial Revolution vision and game plan. Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Commission, and Antonio Tajani, Vice President and Minister of Industry and Entrepreneurship, co-hosted the summit.
Vice President Tajani called for a comprehensive Third Industrial Revolution economic agenda to regrow the European economy and create an integrated European single market. Please find below a few quotes from Vice President Tajani’s speech:
“Today is a good day for all of us, because today is the beginning of the Third Industrial Revolution. Now the European conversation will go beyond austerity, straight to creating growth and jobs in Europe. My slogan is: ‘Without a new industrial policy, no growth, no jobs…'”