Earthscan would like to invite you to join a free webinar presented by the lead editors for the first two volumes of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity.
The Economic Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Understand the development of the concept of ecosystem services, and the TEEB framework used for their valuation
Discover how valuation of ecosystem services and biodiversity can help people rethink their relation to the natural environment
Explore the mechanisms and instruments by which incentives can be developed to protect biodiversity
Learn about policies in use around the world and a wide range of innovative solutions
Click here for free registration
Thursday 7th April 2011
17:00 (UK time – GMT +1), 12:00 (EDT), 9:00 (PDT)
Do you know how much agricultural pollination would cost us if insects weren’t here to do it for us?
A: Insect pollinators contribute US$ 190 billion/year to global agricultural output.
This is an enormous cost, yet currently our economics system takes ecosystem services for granted and does not put a value on them. These services include water and air quality regulation, nutrient cycling and decomposition, plant pollination and flood control. As a result, we – governments, businesses, and society as a whole – tend to neglect, waste and abuse the very basis on which our livelihoods and prosperity ultimately depend.
Join the editors of the first two volumes of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, for an event that explores the economic value of nature, as well as the advantages and ethics of putting a price on our natural world. Patrick ten Brink and Pushpam Kumar will introduce the concept of ecosystem valuation and the challenges facing policy makers, as well as the range of innovative solutions possible. They will show that by making costs of ecosystem destruction visible – ‘putting nature on the balance sheets’ – we can fully comprehend the value of the natural world around us.
Who should register? Researchers, policy-makers and professionals concerned with applied economics and business, biodiversity and nature conservation.
PS. Can’t make the date? We don’t want you to miss out!!
Simply register for the event as normal and you will be sent a link to the archive version on 7th April. Or alternatively email me with ‘TEEB Archive Link’ in the subject line and I will send it to you.
20% DISCOUNT: Type EARTHCAST into the voucher code box in your shopping cart when ordering any book.