The Courage To Walk Your Own Path ? The Second Mountain

Jay OwenSustainability News, Advisors' Forum, Transforming Finance


“Ethical Markets highly recommends the programs of our partners at the Conscious Business Institute, and its leader, Peter Matthies, longtime member of our Global Advisory Board.  Don’t miss this webinar!

~Hazel Henderson, Editor “


Do you feel like so many of us: that there is no way you want to go back to “normal” after what happened to the world in the last 15 months?

Not only isn’t there a going back to “normal,” but what used to be “normal” is maybe no longer acceptable for you. Even if you had thoughts before COVID that -one day – you will re-evaluate your priorities in work and life, the last 15 months have made crystal clear that now it’s the time to take the first step.

Fact is:

After realizing that things can change “tomorrow”, many people are seeking to align their personal and spiritual aspirations with their profession. 

More and more people who reach out to us realize that the current world is out of balance – the last 15 months being a living proof. They want to try a new way forward, one in which they have a more authentic, purpose-filled way of life. You may be one of these people who is on this journey, but often times, this transition isn’t easy. You might be asking yourself:

“How do I manage the uncertainties along the way?”

“What’s the path to transformation without failing or getting paralyzed by fear?”

Here is the good news: some of us have made the transition from a “normal” job to a more inspiring and satisfying way to work and live. There is a pathway. There are people who have made a trail for you to follow. There is a community of likeminded people out there, who share your thoughts, your mixed feelings of joy and fear about the possibility of what “could be”.

We invite you to join us for a conversation where we exchange openly about our own pitfalls, challenges, and what helped overcome those on our own, authentic path. Your transformation happens one step at a time. It starts by connecting with the community who share your desire for this journey – with whom you could walk for a while. You don’t have to feel you’re alone in this.

Join our upcoming webinar to learn, share, and grow. We’d love to support you in on your path towards a more inspiring and fulfilling way to work and live.

Join the Webinar: The Courage To Walk Your Own Path

When: Wednesday, June 2 at 9:30PT / 12:30ET / 18:30CET

Click on the link below to register!

We are looking forward to being with you

Tamara, Zsuzsanna, Joe and Peter



Article: The Second Mountain 
Our Journey To Freedom.

In a 2019 New York Times column, author David Brooks provided an essay on his book entitled: The Second Mountain: The Quest For a Moral Life.

David begins by describing the first mountain many of us climb. The focus here is on being sensible, meeting expectations, and achieving the usual success metrics that we believe will bring us fulfillment. So we get a traditional education, choose a stable career, start a family, plan for retirement, etc.

These first mountain “hustling years” as David puts it are “powerfully shaped by our individualistic and meritocratic culture”. We care about individual wins, status, and accumulation as we keep score of our progress and continue that proverbial climb up the ladder.

But then, for many, something happens that leads to a reckoning of sorts… (read on)

As always, we welcome you to reach out to us with questions and suggestions.


Your CBI Team