CrowdSource Set to Acquire by Month’s End

Jay OwenCrowdfunding

CrowdSource Set to Acquire by Month’s End — CrowdSource, a company that helps online retailers and other companies create content via the crowd, announced late last week that it’s set to acquire, a competitor. We spoke with co-founder and CEO Stephanie Leffler to find out what motivated her team …

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen, Sustainability News

JULY/AUGUST 2013 Para español haga clic aquí. This month we bring you news about a free webinar on the Sustainable Development Goals and post-2015 agenda, a new ECI documentary, publications, educational opportunities, new staff, and more! Have a look! CONTENT Free Earth Charter webinar on post-2015 and Sustainable Development Goals …

Register Now: Biomimicry Pioneer Janine Benyus Added to 3-D Printing Webinar

Jay OwenGreentech, Trendspotting

Invitation to Webinar on Bonds & Climate Change rpt, Wed 11 Sept: Los Angeles 09:00 / Denver 10:00 / Chicago 11:00 / NYC 12:00 / London 17:00 / Paris 18:00

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

Invitation to Webinar on Bonds & Climate Change rpt, Wed 11 Sept: Los Angeles 09:00 / Denver 10:00 / Chicago 11:00 / NYC 12:00 / London 17:00 / Paris 18:00 Posted on 28. Aug, 2013 by Sean Kidney in blog, Climate Bonds, Europe, Green Bonds, United States Join us for a presentation and discussion of the Climate …

ILSR’s Energy Self-Reliant States: Minneapolis City Council Unanimously Votes for a Better Energy Future

Jay OwenCommunity Development Solutions

Grassroots pressure makes a difference, as Minneapolis’ city council unanimously adopts a framework for advancing local energy goals thanks to work of the Minneapolis Energy Options campaign (ILSR a leading partner).  For more on the local energy effort, check outmy published commentary on the city of Minneapolis’ flirtation with a municipal electric utility at the …

Cutting Edge Capital Raised $150,000 Through a DPO!

Jay OwenCrowdfunding

    JUNE 2013     — CURRENT NEWS —   WE REACHED OUR GOAL!     CUTTING EDGE CAPITAL RAISED $150,000 FROM OUR COMMUNITY!   We have reached our goal and raised $150,000 with our Direct Public Offering.  To you who invested, we wish to express our deepest gratitude.  What …

Hip Investor: Going Fossil-Free, a How-To Guide in PDF — and webinar

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, SRI/ESG News

    IN THIS ISSUE: I. Going Fossil-Free, a How-To Guide in PDF — and webinar:  In partnership with, HIP co-authored Resilient Portfolios & Fossil-Free Pensions, showing city and states how to go fossil-free;  join us Weds, 6/19 for a collaborative webinar II. Federal Reserve Supports Investing for Impact: The Federal Reserve of …

WRI Digest: 3 Needs For A Sustainable Food Future, Bonn Climate Talks

Jay OwenSustainability News

  WRI Digest The Great Balancing Act: 3 Needs For A Sustainable Food Future. How can the world feed more than 9 billion people by 2050 in a manner that advances economic development and reduces pressure on the environment? Answering it requires a “great balancing act” of three needs – all …