We at Ethical Markets Media (USA and Brazil) congratulate our partner HELIO and its brilliant, dedicated leader, Helene Connor for her well-deserved prestigious award: France’s Legion d ‘ Honneur for 2012! CONGRATULATIONS, to Helene! Hazel Henderson, Editor Best wishes for 2012 from us all at HELIO International. 2012 is starting …
Let’s plant a million trees in each country of the world!
Let’s plant a million trees in each country of the world! www.plant-for-the-planet.org Update from the Plant-for-the-Planet Children Initiative NEWS Elect the Next Global Board! Register as voter for the global board 2012/2013 Plant-for-the-Planet Annual Meeting – Be Part of it! April 20 – 22nd 2012 in Castle Schwaneck near Munich …
IPBES-1 Highlights–October 4, 2011
IPBES-1 HIGHLIGHTS MONDAY, 3 OCTOBER 2011 The first session of the plenary meeting on the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) opened today in Nairobi, Kenya. In the morning, delegates heard opening statements and began discussions on the meeting’s rules of procedure and the adoption of …
Watch Stephan Richter on the PBS NewsHour
This Week on The Globalist September 24-30, 2011 Watch Stephan Richter on the PBS NewsHour Watch Stephan Richter, The Globalist’s publisher and editor-in-chief, discuss Europe’s fiscal crisis in this eight-minute segment from Thursday’s PBS NewsHour. His comments appear from 1:16-3:28 and 5:18-7:17. The Strengths of Europe In what ways is …
ESC – Club of Rome / Newsflash 99
CALENDAR Overview of Club of Rome Events ALL OCTOBER EVENTS IN DETAIL Vienna: A Needle Eye as Large as a Camel (Oct 3) Valencia: Past, Present and Future of Nuclear Energy (Oct 3) Barcelona: Evolution of Beliefs and Values (Oct 4) Vienna: Energy Counseling in Virtual Spaces (Oct 13) Ottawa: …
In Praise of Wangari Maathai
By Hazel Henderson, Sept. 26, 2011 We who knew and loved Professor Wangari Maathai (1940-2011) wept today on learning of her passing from this life. Her courage, determination and brilliance lit the imagination of millions of women and men. I first met Wangari at the UN Conference on New and …
World Future Council: Newsletter 1/2011 English
Dear friends! 3.2.2011 2011 has been declared the International Year of Forests by the United Nations General Assembly. The World Future Council honours the UN commitment to this vital cause and will therefore present its Future Policy Award to the best forest protection policies. It has already attracted a strong …