Utility Nightmares: Distributed Generation and Halving Electricity Consumption

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

While many utility executives attribute much of their predicted market challenges to the rise of photovoltaics and net metering, they actually have much more to worry about. In a 2013 survey of global utility companies by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the results revealed that the utility industry leaders anticipate major changes to their business model …

Energy Efficiency Resource Standards: A New Progress Report on State Experience

Jay OwenResource Efficiency, Reports You Need

ACEEE  Authors: Annie Downs and Celia Cui   In the absence of federal requirements for energy savings, states are leading the way with effective, forward-looking energy efficiency policies. More than half of them have adopted energy efficiency resource standards (EERS), policies that set long-term mandatory energy savings targets for utilities and …

Making the Business Case for Energy Efficiency

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

NEWS RELEASE    Media Contact: Patrick Kiker  [email protected]   202.507.4043 Making the Business Case for Energy Efficiency The inherent conflict between a utility’s business objectives and the objectives of customer energy efficiency programs has long been recognized. Alternative regulatory mechanisms can be implemented that not only make utilities indifferent to the …

Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum

Jay OwenPartner Announcements and News

Now in its fifth year, CREF has grown to become the largest annual gathering of renewable energy stakeholders in the Caribbean. More than 400 delegates from 40 countries, including representatives from 19 regional governments and utilities, attended CREF 2012. This year’s conference is co-hosted by the government of Aruba in …

Shale Gas as a Low-Carbon Energy Source for Europe

Ethical MarketsGreen Prosperity

Shale Gas as a Low-Carbon Energy Source for Europe [Video] Posted: 10 Dec 2012 06:00 AM PST A Good Offense Is the Best Defense Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:45 AM PST In my past posts I discussed examples of the transformation of the grid through a revolution in technology that …