March 14, 2012 LATEST NEWS: Markets & Policy Breaking News: Stabenow’s Solar and Renewable Energy Tax Break Fails in Senate Eric Wesoff – March 13, 2012 The good news is that the ITC was not repealed and still stands. The tax grant is history, though. US Bancorp Funding SolarCity’s SolarStrong …
FCC wins €322m waste management project deal
5 May 2011 DEAL NEWS FCC wins €322m waste management project deal US Bancorp makes its largest renewable energy tax equity injection Terra-Gen turns to loan to repay corporate debt General Catalyst invests further $5.6m in SustainX Click here to read the newsletter
Azure Power raises $40m to develop PV plant in Gujurat
DEALS NEWS Azure Power raises $40m to develop PV plant in Gujurat SunRun raises additional US Bancorp financing NRG Solar becomes lead investor in BrightSource’s Ivanpah solar thermal project Clean Power Technologies awarded grant for waste recovery technology US agencies award $5m for ocean renewable energy research Click here to …