Invitation: OECD green growth side-events at Rio+20

kristyGreen Prosperity

You’re invited: OECD green growth side-events at Rio+20 Tailoring green growth strategies to country circumstances: practical steps to achieve sustainable development 21 June, 17:00-18:30 RioCentro Conference Centre, Room: T-9 This side-event will feature a dialogue between the OECD Secretary-General, Angel Gurría, representatives from the Governments of Colombia, Korea and Mexico …

Breaking news: OccupyWallStreet and the Climate Movements revolts join hands in NY!

kristyAdvisors' Forum

Dear friends, I’m writing from New York City, where the Occupy Wall Street movement is taking off. What started as a small group of young people with a vague call to action is evolving into something truly inspiring — and our crew at is excited to support this nascent …

Happiness Should Have Greater Role In Development Policy Un Member States

kristyBeyond GDP

HAPPINESS SHOULD HAVE GREATER ROLE IN DEVELOPMENT POLICY ? UN MEMBER STATES New York, Jul 19 2011 7:05PM The General Assembly today <““>called on United Nations Member States to undertake steps that give more importance to happiness and well-being in determining how to achieve and measure social and economic development. …

New eceee snapshot report on target setting

kristyResource Efficiency

25 May 11 – eceee today published a study on national target setting. The study provides a snapshot of the current use of energy saving targets and opinions about these across the EU, and is based on a broad survey and stakeholder consultation. eceee also opened a page on EU …

Rio+20: Making it Happen

kristySustainability News, Earth Systems Science

Dear Colleagues, Please find attached Volume 2, Issue 6 of our biweekly newsletter Rio+20: Making it Happen, dedicated to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, which is now available online and will also be sent to subscribers. This is a special issue focusing on one of the two themes of …