SDGs focus areas: Stakeholder proposals for goals and targets In order to inform the deliberations of the tenth session of the UN General Assembly’s Open Working Group (OWG) on sustainable development goals (SDGs), 31 March – 4 April 2014, stakeholder forum has compiled a number of goals and corresponding targets from stakeholder proposals housed …
Post-Election News by Ladislau Dowbor, Ethical Markets Advisory Board Member
NEWS FROM BRAZIL : We thank Professor Ladislau Dowbor, of our Advisory Board and our Brasilian Ambassador for Ethical Markets Media (USA and Brazil), for this report. – Hazel Henderson, Editor An enormous relief down here, we feel like our Titanic avoided the iceberg. But the fact that so many …
Japan 2020 Climate Target “Very Difficult” to Meet: Minister
Japan will unlikely be able to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 25 percent under 1990 levels by 2020, Environment Minister Goshi Hosono said Friday, the clearest sign yet that the world’s number four emitter will have to renege on its 2009 emissions cut pledge. EU leaders set to …
First Annual Savannah International Clean Energy Conference
From clean energy to cleantech and global security to sustainable cities, and more, the Savannah International Clean Energy Conference is over two days of dynamic interaction among the world’s top investors, innovators, corporations, and government agencies. The conference will conclude with the Global Cleantech Cluster Association Later Stage Awards Gala …
Side Event on Environmental Health Initiatives: Innovative Approaches for Building Sustainable Cities April 24, 2012 1:15 – 2:45 p.m. Conference Room A, United Nations North Lawn Building Draft Agenda New York, NY
Barcelona: Toward a World Ethic, Secular and/or Religious? (17. Jan.)
The Club of Rome – European Support Centre Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Newsflash No 102 presents information about Club of Rome events, initiatives and about publications by members: Best regards Thomas Schauer CALENDAR Overview of Club of Rome Events JANUARY EVENTS IN DETAIL Barcelona: Toward a World Ethic, Secular …
Caterpillar Foundation Awards Major Support to WRI for Sustainable Cities Initiative
Caterpillar Foundation’s 5-year pledge of US$12.5 million will focus on key urban centers in China, India and Brazil. WRI intends to develop low-carbon city models and pathways for environmentally sustainable urbanization (ESU), and to promote the diffusion of environmentally smart and livable cities. WRI will partner with up to five …