To view this email as a web page, go here. WRI Digest: February 2013 Water Risk Maps | Reducing U.S. Emissions | Transportation & Road Safety New Aqueduct Mapping Tool Provides Unprecedented Ability to Assess Water Risk. Water is very complicated. It’s affected by large-scale issues like climate change and globalization. …
Alternative Energy: 100% Renewables Plan For Western Australia Pushed By Greens
Alternative Energy 100% Renewables Plan For Western Australia Pushed By Greens Connecting Depressed Wages to High Oil Prices and Growth Limits 100% Renewables Could Be Closer Than We Think Actually, Tesla’s Elon Musk Could Be Smiling Over that New York Times Review Major Media & Tech Sites Fail Big …
The Shifting Politics of Renewable Energy – GTM Daily Newsletter
February 13, 2013 LATEST NEWS: Obama Calls for Doubling US Energy Efficiency by 2030 Stephen Lacey – February 12, 2013 The President makes a bold call for efficiency in his State of the Union address. State of the Union 2013: The President’s Remarks on Energy Herman K. Trabish – February …
Obama restates clean energy commitment, omits targets
Obama restates clean energy commitment, omits targets Despite failing to enact comprehensive climate legislation, there is no reason the US Congress should not pass a clean energy standard and grant related tax credits, President Barack Obama said during his State of the Union address on Tuesday. More >>> UK carbon …
Why All the Robo-signing? Shedding Light on the Shadow Banking System
Why All the Robo-signing? Shedding Light on the Shadow Banking System Ellen Brown January 24, 2012 The Wall Street Journal reported on January 19th that the Obama Administration was pushing heavily to get the 50 state attorneys general to agree to a settlement with five major banks in the …
Post-State of the Union Policy Briefing Call
Weekly Policty Update January 24, 2012. Actions for Partners Only Post-State of the Union Policy Briefing Call Post-State of the Union Policy Briefing, Jan. 26, 4pm EST Please join us Thursday, January 26 at 4:00pm EST for a policy briefing following the President’s State of the Union address to Congress. …
Congress Wants You to Fund their Alternative Energy Scam
From the publication of Energy and Capital By Jeff Siegel | Monday, February 7th, 2011 If you watched Green Bay defeat the Steelers last night, chances are you also caught a glimpse of the new Chevy Volt commercial… I certainly did. And of course, after it ran, all eyes were …