Solability LTD, Ilsan, South Korean The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index scores and ranks 176 countries according to their capability to sustain or increase wealth in a resource-constraint, globalised world. The Index was first developed and published in 2012, based on a competitiveness model that incorporates all aspects required to sustain …
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News
Shark tooth weapons reveal missing shark species in Central Pacific islands Satellite tagging maps the secret migration of white sharks 2013 wintertime Arctic sea ice maximum fifth lowest on record Chimps: Ability to ‘think about thinking’ not limited to humans ‘A better path’ toward projecting, planning for rising seas on …
The 7 Critical Issues of Rio + 20
The 7 Critical Issues of Rio + 20 Jobs– Economic recession has taken a toll on both the quantity and quality of jobs worldwide. For the 190 million unemployed, and for over 500 million job seekers over the next 10 years, labour markets are vital not only for the production and generation …
Alternative GDP Ranking Topped by Scandinavian Nations
The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index In a World of limited natural resources and human induced changes to the natural and social environment, the GDP is not an inclusive measurement to compare prosperity and the development potential of countries. Based on models for evaluating corporate sustainability and risk modelling tools, SolAbility …
Un Official Urges Integration Of Social Concerns Into Economic Recovery Policies
Un Official Urges Integration Of Social Concerns Into Economic Recovery Policies New York, Oct 3 2011 6:05PM A senior United Nations official today urged countries to pursue economic policies that take social considerations into account to ensure that the poor, youth, persons with disability and the elderly do not continue …