Energy News: New Utility Model, Same as the Old Utility Model? In West Virginia, Tesla is Just a Small Town | The Energy Collective Daily Energy News: New Utility Model, Same as the Old Utility Model? In West Virginia, Tesla is Just a Small Town Posted: 10 Apr 2015 08:00 …
The hidden cost of freezing Russia out of finance
The hidden cost of freezing Russia out of finance By Gillian Tett – Financial Times Instead of having one major cross-border payments system there could eventually be many This week, a milestone was passed on the road of globalisation. The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial …
TFF PressInfo 273: Support Branson’s Ukraine initiative
Ethical Markets joins with our friends in Sweden at the Transnational Foundation in supporting Richard Branson’s initiative with business leaders to promote negotiations over Ukraine , Hazel Henderson, Editor-in-Chief PressInfo Contact TFF Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research Vegagatan 25, S – 22457 Lund, Sweden (+46) 738 52 …
The BRICS nations are going to have their own bank. They say it’s going to be nothing like the World Bank. But don’t bank on it. The BRICS bank The BRICS nations are going to have their own bank. They say it’s going to be nothing like the World Bank. But don’t bank on it. John Weeks , July 15, 2014 For many years, various officials of governments in Africa, Asia and Latin America have …
Incubating a non-dollar architecture
from our Advisory Board member ,Frank Bracho, Venezuela’s former ambassador to India Incubating a non-dollar architecture The launch of the BRICS bank can now give the member countries confidence to experiment with other geoeconomic ambitions. Incubating a non-dollar financial architecture can be the next goal. There are existing models to …
OTHER NEWS: Move over, big brother
Move over, big brother Amitav Acharya – The Hindu The western media has been dismissive of the BRICS move to set up a bank, but such cynicism misses the larger picture — the end of western hegemony and the rise of the multiplex world For the first time since its …
Strong US Majority Prefers Iran Deal says “Citizen Cabinet” Survey
Strong US Majority Prefers Iran Deal says “Citizen Cabinet” Survey by Jim Lobe – Via LobeLog, IPS Blogosphere* Sixty-one percent of the American public prefers a deal permitting Iran to continue limited uranium enrichment and imposing intrusive inspections on its nuclear facilities in exchange for some sanctions relief, …
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: One step to solar-cell efficiency: Chemical process may improve manufacturing
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News One step to solar-cell efficiency: Chemical process may improve manufacturing Posted: 19 Jun 2014 09:55 AM PDT Scientists have created a one-step process for producing highly efficient materials that let the maximum amount of sunlight reach a solar cell. Scientists found a simple way to etch …
BQE: Bilateral Currency Swaps , Planck Foundation
BQE: Bilateral Currency Swaps Ethical Markets thanks the Planck Foundation for permission to post this useful new approach – Hazel Henderson, Editor BQE: Bilateral Currency Swaps Traditional QE only leads to carry trade (a money flow to high yield / high risk foreign financial markets) and thereby does nothing …
Tell Amazon: Stop powering the Internet with fossil fuels
Tell Amazon: Stop powering the Internet with fossil fuels Sign the petition: “Amazon is one of the three largest Internet companies in the world — and it’s the only one of the three that hasn’t committed to using 100% renewable energy to power its data centers. Tell Amazon to stop using …