It’s out! Check out our latest report featuring 8 Practical Local Energy Policies to Boost the Economy, with examples illustrating the policies in action and links right to the ordinances that made them work. Also, I just posted a panel presentation I gave to the Society of Environmental Journalists last Friday, …
Why Solar Stocks
Why Solar Stocks Regardless of what solar stocks are currently doing the most important thing to remember is that we are just at the very beginning of the growth of the solar industry – the growth curve worldwide is just starting to climb the steepest part of its growth curve …
MSA Becomes A Member Of The International Green Energy Council
Press Release July 17, 2013 11:00AM EST MSA Group Becomes A Member Of The International Green Energy Council
One Plan to Solve the Euro Zone’s Debt and Energy Crises
European Monetary Union (euro zone) has been front-and-center in the media again of late as sovereign and banking sector debt problems persist. Following in the footsteps of Greece, Ireland and Portgual, Spain this weekend became the latest euro zone “periphery” member to seek EU aid as it seeks to shore up banks …
Recycling Rates of Metals: A Status Report
The recycling of non-renewable resources is often advocated as the solution to potentially restricted supplies. It is indeed true that every kilogram of resources that is successfully recycled obviates the need to locate and mine that kilogram from virgin ores. Unfortunately, however, and notwithstanding their potential value, industrial and consumer …
Can Unions and the Renewables Stand Against the Attacks of Big Dirty Energy?
A publication from GreenTech Media Can Unions and the Renewables Stand Against the Attacks of Big Dirty Energy? United Steelworkers President Leo Gerard talks about the fight against the unions-renewables alliance to protect the environment and grow a future economy. Organized labor is again leading the defense of the nation’s …
Living Planet Report: Humanity Now Needs 1.5 Earths
Living Planet Report: Humanity Now Needs 1.5 Earths Humanity is now using renewable resources and producing carbon dioxide at a rate 50 percent faster than the Earth can sustain, reveals the 2010 edition of the Living Planet Report – the leading survey of the planet’s health. The biennial report, produced …