President Barack Obama The White House Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Office of the Director of National Intelligence The Honorable Harry Reid Senate Majority Leader United States Senate The Honorable John Boehner Speaker of the House United States House of Representatives The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy Chairman Committee …
The City and the Common Good – Series recordings now available
Our series of events, held in conjunction with CCLA, entitled ‘The City and the Common Good: What kind of City do we want?’ has come to an end. We were delighted with the reception and feedback we received, and the level of press engagement has been very encouraging. We’re producing a …
Naturally does it. Natural Capital Declaration paves the way to Rio+20
‘Lights out’ were the calls heard around the world for the sixth Earth Hour held this late March. The initiative started by the World Wildlife Fund is a striking symbol that gives us a measure of how far the world has come since ‘environment’ and ‘sustainability’ were considered emerging issues, …