There is now a rising worldwide demand that policy be more closely aligned with what really matters to people as they themselves characterize their lives. More and more world leaders including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, South Korean President Park Geun-hye and British Prime Minister David Cameron, are talking about the …
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho joins Ethical Markets Advisory Board
Mae-Wan Ho, B. Sc. Hon. (First Class) and Ph. D. Hong Kong University, Director of Institute of Science in Society (website archived by the British Library as part of national documentary heritage), Chief Editor and Art Director of its quarterly trend-setting magazine, Science in Society, is best known for pioneering work on …
Guardian Sustainable Business: Exclusive Events Update for Guardian Sustainable Business Members
21 August 2013 Exclusive Events Update for Guardian Sustainable Business Members There are some great courses and events coming up over the next month bringing together businesses from around the world to discuss the future of sustainability. We’ve picked out a selection of these events below, and you can also visit our …
Great news on chemical reform; work still to do
Great news! This week the U.S. Senate achieved a landmark decision when the Environment and Public Works (EPW) committee passed the Safe Chemicals Act, which provides environmental health protections from toxic chemicals. This is the first time that there has been a vote on modernizing the nation’s toxic chemical laws …
Let’s Fire The Economical Bullets for the Love of Egypt
Dear Dr.Kamal / Dr.Rasmy, Based on the current situation Ii have found that as a young entrepreneur me and my partners have a social responsibility towards Egypt , so we are thinking of launching an event that tell the youth you don’t need to wait to get employed you to …