Embargoed for 00:01 hours, 26 September 2013 Capitalism’s greatest crash now likely within a few years Energy industry set to follow in footsteps of financial industry Big Energy is guilty of enculturated risk blindness that, unless action is taken, will lead to an inevitable global crash according to Jeremy …
The UN IPCC backs carbon budget approach
The UN IPCC backs carbon budget approach The potential for unburnable carbon and stranded fossil fuel assets has today been thrust into the limelight with the IPCC’s carbon budget analysis in its latest report. ‘The Carbon Tracker Initiative welcomes the IPCC’s dialogue on carbon budgets. Their findings are consistent with …
Stakeholder Forum Network News: Engagement in post-Rio+20 and post-2015 processes
www.stakeholderforum.org Stakeholder Engagement in post-Rio+20 and post-2015 processes Participatory democracy is the idea that involving all stakeholders, at every level, will result in better informed, and more thoroughly deliberated, decisions being taken. It means that all stakeholders will thereby take greater ownership of the outcome …