When Target needed help launching its own e-commerce platform, it turned to crowdsourcing. In an upcoming webinar from Crowdsourcing.org, you can learn about the tools and platforms that an increasing number of retailers are taking advantage of. OTHER HIGHLIGHTS Meet Gambitious, an Equity-based Platform for Video Games This week, entrepreneur …
Johnson & Johnson is leaving ALEC thanks to your activism.
Johnson & Johnson is leaving ALEC thanks to your activism. Dear Friend, Yesterday afternoon news broke that Johnson & Johnson is ending its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). This is huge, and it wouldn’t have happened without the hard work of CREDO activists like you. Over 2,200 …
Bill Gates pushes high-tech (corporate) agriculture…but who benefits?
“Big Ag, including the Monsantos of the world, would have you believe that GM foods, and all the chemicals and fertilizers that go with them, are the solution to world hunger. It’s an argument that should be challenged far more energetically than it is. Sadly, it looks like Gates, with …
Philippines to Host 4th Annual Global CSR Summit 2012
Philippines to Host 4th Annual Global CSR Summit 2012 As Asia begins to lead the world as the main economic engine, issues that have become important include corporate ethics among executives, innovative and sustainable growth, integration and fair distribution of wealth among societies, and accelerating the rate of innovation in …
Sommet climat en Chine
A la Une : Climat : nouvelle impasse au sommet de Tianjin La Chine a accueilli pendant une semaine un sommet mondial sur l’environnement. Une dernière étape avant Cancun le mois prochain. Une nouvelle fois, les participants ne sont pas parvenus à se mettre d’accord sur un projet global de …