The Economics of Curbing Speculation In Food, Water and Vital Resources

Ethical MarketsArticles by Hazel Henderson

By Hazel Henderson Recent spikes in prices of rice, soy, wheat and corn have driven many poor people in developing countries into hunger and malnutrition. In 2011, then World Bank president Robert Zoellick estimated that 44 million people fell into poverty in 2010 due to rising food prices, adding, “Food …

Inequality, inequity, and the “simpleton’s god of free markets

kristyReforming Global Finance

Editor’s note — The following is a piece from a conversation between Per Kurwoski and Angus Cunningham. For background on Per Kurwoski and his perspective, watch his video “Basel’s Monstrous Regulatory Mistake. In your latest comment on an iMFdirect post, Per, you used the word “inequality”. Yet I wonder if …

World’s Poor ‘One Shock’ From Crisis as Food Prices Climb, Zoellick Says


An article from Bloomberg By Eric Martin – Apr 16, 2011 7:49 PM ET inShare0More Business Exchange Buzz up! Digg Print Email World Bank President Robert Zoellick said the global economy is “one shock away” from a crisis in food supplies and prices. Zoellick estimated 44 million people have fallen …

The Egyptian Tinderbox: How Banks and Investors Are Starving the Third World

kristyReforming Global Finance

Ellen Brown February 2, 2011 “What for a poor man is a crust, for a rich man is a securitized asset class.” –Futures trader Ann Berg, quoted in the UK Guardian Underlying the sudden, volatile uprising in Egypt and Tunisia is a growing global crisis sparked by soaring food …