The economic crisis, emanating from the world’s economic and political centres—Europe and the US—and the global environmental crisis resulting from climate change and aggravations caused by big business, government policies and international financial institutions have not daunted peoples and societies. On the contrary, these crises have further emboldened people’s organizations …
Position on the Natural Capital Declaration
“We at Ethical Markets Media agree with BankTrack’s following perceptive critique of the Natural Capital Declaration, which still starts from the faulty premises of conventional economics and financial models . Ethical Markets Media and the Biomimicry Group will be releasing its own additional Statement on real Transformation of Finance at …
UNEP FI Newsletter / May 2012
The UN Conference on Sustainable Development, or Rio+20, is just over a month away. Many of us share high hopes about the summit’s impact on global commitment to sustainability. The conference has an additional dimension for UNEP FI, since it will also coincide with the partnership’s 20th anniversary, as well …