Energy Self-Reliant States: Five Reasons Solar’s Win Over Gas in Minnesota is Just the Beginning

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Community Development Solutions

Last week, I summarized the impact of the judicial ruling requiring Xcel Energy to buy peaking power from solar instead of natural gas: Five Reasons Solar’s Win Over Gas in Minnesota is Just the Beginning.  Also, I was quoted by Minnesota Public Radio about the release of the Minneapolis Energy Pathways …

Energy Self-Reliant States: Bypassing the Power Grid

Jay OwenGreentech

I spent most of last week on the West Coast with the family (and even went for a ride in the redwoods on an early 20th century steam train), but I came across a terrific video from EnergyShouldBe on why baseload power sources like coal and nuclear are incompatible with a largely …

ILSR’s Energy Self-Reliant States: New Report! City Power Play: 8 Practical Local Energy Policies to Boost the Economy

Jay OwenGreentech

It’s out! Check out our latest report featuring 8 Practical Local Energy Policies to Boost the Economy, with examples illustrating the policies in action and links right to the ordinances that made them work.  Also, I just posted a panel presentation I gave to the Society of Environmental Journalists last Friday, …

Energy Self-Reliant States Weekly: Relative Energy Efficiency of Residential Building Energy Codes

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Community Development Solutions

Is your state lagging on its energy code for buildings?  This new graphic illustrates the relative energy efficiency of standard building energy codes and shows which states are lagging (and what that lag costs consumers on their energy bills). And in honor of the American Labor Day holiday this past weekend, an …

Energy Self-Reliant States: Positive Policy Changes for Distributed Renewable Energy

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Community Development Solutions

The previous week I covered the one thing Obama’s climate policy can’t leave out, and you can judge the President’s climate plan for yourself.  Also, while I’m on “vacation” (moving) you can read (and link to) a web version of the fourth segment of our Rooftop Revolution report. Sincerely, John Positive Policy Changes for …

Last Week from ILSR’s Energy Self-Reliant States: Why Master Limited Partnerships are a Lousy Policy for Solar, Wind, and Taxpayers

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

A thorough explanation of what’s in Minnesota’s new solar law (net metering, CLEAN/FIT, and more!) and why I think Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) would be a lousy idea for renewable energy. Sincerely, John Why Master Limited Partnerships are a Lousy Policy for Solar, Wind, and Taxpayers If you follow the renewable energy industry …

Energy Self-Reliant States: 5 Barriers to and Solutions for Community Renewable Energy

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

I spent last week preparing for the release of my report on Ontario’s Feed-in Tariff programnext Monday (“Expect Delays – Reviewing Ontario’s ‘Buy Local’ Renewable Energy Program”) and spent much of the week working on the passage of a solar energy standard in Minnesota (it passed the House the week prior …

Energy Self-Reliant States Weekly: 5 Barriers to and Solutions for Community Renewable Energy

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

I spent last week preparing for the release of my report on Ontario’s Feed-in Tariff programnext Monday (“Expect Delays – Reviewing Ontario’s ‘Buy Local’ Renewable Energy Program”) and spent much of the week working on the passage of a solar energy standard in Minnesota (it passed the House the week prior …

Energy Self-Reliant States Weekly: Proposed Solar Standard is Cheap Compared to Minnesota Utilities’ Rate Increases

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

I wonder why Xcel Energy ignores solar when it asks ratepayers to finance 3 new natural gas plants for new peaking capacity in Minnesota, I interview Brian Minish about the remarkable 600-owner South Dakota Wind Partners community wind project, and Minnesota utilities fail to mention that the 1.33% rate hike proposed in the solar …

Energy Self-Reliant States Weekly: A Local Solar Energy Standard for Minnesota

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

Here’s a short presentation about a Minnesota 10% solar energy standard coming up soon for discussion in the state legislature, with a financing mechanism that looks a lot like a CLEAN Program.  Greentechmedia also has an article about the proposed legislation (I was the primary source). Sincerely, John A Local Solar Energy Standard for …