The U.S. Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United v. FEC ruling has allowed corporate CEOs to unleash a torrent of secret corporate spending into our political system. Indefensibly, CEOs are able to keep both the public and their own shareholders in the dark about the use of company funds for political …
Disclosure of Payments for Federal and State Lobbying, Trade Associations and ALEC
Shareholder Initiative: More than 40 investors filed shareholder resolutions at 40 corporations asking them to report on lobbying expenditures, including indirect funding of lobbying through trade associations. 22 of these proposals are expected to go to a vote at annual stockholder meetings in Spring 2012. What the proposal asks for: …
Corporate Disclosure of Lobbying Activities and Expenditures
April 2012 Corporate Disclosure of Lobbying Activities and Expenditures A Progress Report on the 2012 Proxy Season In 2011, the AFSCME Employee Pension Plan filed eight shareholder proposals asking for companies to disclose their lobbying activities. The proposal did well as a first year proposal, averaging more than 24% at …
Money and Democracy Update
Issue #97 ? February 17, 2012 ?Money and Democracy Update? is Public Citizen?s weekly e-newsletter about the intersection of money and politics. It is part of our ongoing campaign to track the results of ? and ultimately overturn ? the U.S. Supreme Court?s reckless decision in Citizens United v. Federal …
Chamber rhetoric heats up over executive order on disclosure
an e-newsletter about the movement to curb corporate influence in politics and restore our democracy Issue #59 • April 29, 2011 “Money and Democracy Update” is Public Citizen’s weekly e-newsletter about the intersection of money and politics. It is part of our ongoing campaign to track the results of — …