Wright’s Law: A Better Predictor of Technological Progress than Moore’s Law Moore’s law, which says that number of transistors you can fit onto an integrated circuit doubles every 18 months, has been the benchmark measurement for technical progress in electronics for decades. The doubling of transistors on a chip translates …
Can Areva’s Solar CSP Be Integrated With a Fossil Fuel Plant?
GTM SOLAR WEEKLY | Tuesday, February 7, 2012 Can Areva’s Solar CSP Be Integrated With a Fossil Fuel Plant? Solar thermal hybrids create the chimera of a solar-augmented coal or natural gas plant. Does it make sense? Clean Power Finance Moves Big Numbers Into PV With Vivint Solar Deal CPF?s …
Report: Solar Trade Barriers Threaten Over 60,000 American Jobs
GTM SOLAR WEEKLY | Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Report: Solar Trade Barriers Threaten Over 60,000 American Jobs Study warns of dire impact on US solar industry jobs if tariffs are imposed. Green Job Moves at Flextronics, Amonix, SolarCity and the US Government The ebb and flow of greentech personnel Clarification: …