Crowdnetic Presents Crowdfinance 2014

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News, Crowdfunding

Crowdnetic Presents Crowdfinance 2014 We invite you to join us in NYC on October 16 for Wall Street’s second annual Crowdfinance Conference.  Our stellar lineup of speakers features financial veterans as well as legal experts and representatives from the top companies covering the vast scope of the emerging crowdfinance industry. …

Rosalinda Sanquiche – Ethical Markets Media Executive Director

Ethical Markets - RGlobal Citizen

Rosalinda Sanquiche, Executive Director – Rosalinda began her environmental career with the American Wind Energy Association in Washington, DC, in research and communications.  She has written on the construction industry for Builder/Architect and on the environment, sustainability and marketing for The Guardian, CSRWire, Kosmos and various outlets.  She has taught …