Long-term investing, DC disclosure, discount rate debate, Danish FSA, Kent County, KLP

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

                            Dear Dr Hazel Henderson                 Today’s top stories             Brussels to ‘calibrate’ all directives with long-term investing Green Paper   EUROPE – Commissioner Michel Barnier …

DWP on auto-enrolment, PPF, Islington pension fund, Blackstone, BlackRock, SPW

Ethical MarketsSRI/ESG News

Auto-enrolment will result in majority staying with scheme, says DWP UK – Department for Work & Pensions survey also reveals widespread confusion about pensions. 27/11/12 PPF amends investment principles to add farmland, EM debt London borough pension scheme commits £20m to housing fund UK roundup: PwC, Pitmans, NAPF, Mercer, Aon …

EIOPA unveils timetable for ‘holistic balance sheet’ impact studies

kristySRI/ESG News

EIOPA unveils timetable for ‘holistic balance sheet’ impact studies Authority makes announcement just six weeks after receiving 3,000 pages of submissions from 170 bodies. 24/01/12 Judge dismisses financing agreement between Unisys and pension scheme Institutional investors welcome plans to curb ‘excessive’ executive pay German pension scheme tenders $150m North American …

Four PKA pension funds merged into single €4.4bn scheme

kristySRI/ESG News

Four PKA pension funds merged into single €4.4bn scheme Four of eight funds administered by Denmark’s PKA have now formed Health Professionals’ Pension Fund. 04/05/11 Hermes Pension Management to offer ‘internal consultancy’ EFRP questions Commission’s Call for Advice on IORPs Aba head questions importance of cross-border pensions Industry must represent …