New eceee paper highlights the real issue on energy and competitiveness A discussion paper on competitiveness and energy efficiency published by eceee today argues that the EU debate wrongly focuses on high energy prices rather than looking at strategies for getting the costs down. The paper explores how energy efficiency …
ecodesign and innovation, a seminar arranged by eceee
ecodesign and innovation, a seminar arranged by eceee A seminar arranged by eceee in cooperation with the Swedish Energy Agency and Clasp and additional support from Energifonden, will take place on 22 January 2013 at the Bibliothèque Solvay, Brussels. The seminar takes place between 10.00 and 17.30 approx, followed by …
New eceee snapshot report on target setting
25 May 11 – eceee today published a study on national target setting. The study provides a snapshot of the current use of energy saving targets and opinions about these across the EU, and is based on a broad survey and stakeholder consultation. eceee also opened a page on EU …