ACEEE:Examining the Net Savings Issue: A National Survey of State Policies and Practices

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

NEWS RELEASE    Media Contact: Patrick Kiker   202.507.4043 Examining the Net Savings Issue: A National Survey of State Policies and Practices    How much energy savings resulted from a given energy efficiency program? This is the fundamental question that program evaluators have faced since the days of the very …

Department of Energy Unveils ‘Energy 101’ Framework

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

  Department of Energy Unveils ‘Energy 101’ Framework    Colleges Urged to Create ‘Introduction to Energy’ Courses Open to All Undergraduates   For Immediate Release For more information contact: Ellen Vaughan at (202) 662-1893 or   March 12, 2013–In an effort to help address the array of energy challenges facing the country, …

IPCC: Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation

kristyGreen Prosperity, Greentech, Trendspotting, Reports Relevant to GTS:, Reports You Need

    1. Introduction The Working Group III Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN) presents an assessment of the literature on the scientific, technological, environmental, economic and social aspects of the contribution of six renewable energy (RE) sources to the mitigation of climate change. It …

Pre-launch – Decoupling Report of the International Resource Panel

kristyGreen Prosperity

CSD-19 Side event: Pre-launch – Decoupling Report of the International Resource Panel What is all this talk about decoupling? How can it be put into practice? And what opportunities does it offer to developing countries? Join us on 11 May for a special preview to hear answers from the authors …