Buying Up the Planet: Out-of-control Central Banks on a Corporate Buying Spree Posted on June 20, 2014 by Ellen Brown Finance is the new form of warfare – without the expense of a military overhead and an occupation against unwilling hosts. It is a competition in credit creation to buy foreign resources, real …
Occupy Network – Occupy Wall Street is above the electoral, but it impacts it, as indicated by a recent report.
GET THIS FROM A FRIEND? SUBSCRIBE. SHARE: Occupy Wall Street is above the electoral, but it impacts it, as indicated by a recent report. The Wall Street Journal relayed statements from a variety of NYC mayoral candidates about how they stand on the violent crackdown on Occupy. Of particular note, current frontrunner …
Quality Employment for Women in the Green Economy
Industry, Occupation, and State-by-State Job Estimates, Institute for Women’s Policy Research, April 2013 Investments in the green economy have the potential to create jobs with family-sustaining wages that do not require college degrees. Given women’s greater propensity to earn less than family-sustaining wages than men, this characteristic of green jobs …
A Bailout For the 99%
Last November 15th our peaceful occupation exposing Wall Street greed was violently evicted from Zuccotti Park. One year later, we are launching the Rolling Jubilee – the next step in our movement to shine a light on the system that allows Wall Street to exploit the 99%. Read more…
Occupied. S17 Updates for the Week of September 12
The timing couldn’t possibly be better in the final days before our S17 anniversary for the 99% and Occupy Wall Street to be able to declare a big victory. After an escalating week-long #OccupyHotNCrusty campaign in response to a serious labor dispute, workers announced both sides had reached an agreement …
Tea Party Founder Karl Denninger Backs #OccupyWallStreet
Read Karl’s take on #OWS after visiting a Florida occupation: Occupy Pensacola: Alleged “Conservatives” Better Wake Up … Read More >>
Breaking news: OccupyWallStreet and the Climate Movements revolts join hands in NY!
Dear friends, I’m writing from New York City, where the Occupy Wall Street movement is taking off. What started as a small group of young people with a vague call to action is evolving into something truly inspiring — and our crew at is excited to support this nascent …
Welcome to the Revolution: Life @ OccupyWallStreet’s Liberty Park
I’ve spent countless hours at Liberty Park talking with people of all political persuasions, from all walks of life, from all over this country, no, check that, from all over the world. The second you walk into the occupation, you can’t help but get knocked around like a volleyball. At …