by Hazel Henderson for The Systems View Of Life: A Unifying Vision by Fritjof Capra and Pier Luigi Luisi, Cambridge University Press, UK 2014 This hefty volume, The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision, is a tour de force and will be a perennial textbook for decades …
Other News – Our Planet’s Future Is in the Hands of 58 People
Our Planet’s Future Is in the Hands of 58 People By Roberto Savio* ROME, Apr 2014 (IPS) – In case you missed it, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the third and final part of a report on Apr. 13 in which it says bluntly that …
Government by big business goes supranational Le Monde diplomatique, English edition, December 2013 Government by big business goes supranational The corporation invasion A new treaty being negotiated in secret between the US and the EU has been specifically engineered to give companies what they want – the dismantling of all social, consumer and environmental …
RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT: INNOVATIVE TOOLS BUT LIMITED APPLICATION IN PRACTICE Paris, 3rd December 2013. Today, for the sixth time, Novethic will be convening asset owners from across Europe to its annual conference, “ESG Strategies for responsible investors”. The day’s aim is to encourage exchanges between investors on the integration of Environmental, …
Alternative Energy: EU: 100 Percent Renewable Energy Is Here
Alternative Energy EU: 100 Percent Renewable Energy Is Here Cameras five times more sensitive to light? An ultrasensitive molybdenum-based image sensor developed Residential Electric Rates Revisited – Part 1: A Historical Perspective The Bigger Picture: Nuclear Energy vs. Fossil Fuels California Smashes Solar Energy Record Wednesday’s NASDAQ Top Gainer: Energy …
Alternative Energy: Can a Second Global Carbon Market Emerge?
Alternative Energy Can a Second Global Carbon Market Emerge? Tea Party Takes on Utility Over Lack of Solar Energy Electric Vehicles in May 2013 What Happens When California Meets 33 Percent Renewables Mandate? Plastic Bags Litter Seafloor New Solar Guide Could Tap 3.3GW Potential Of HOA Communities San Onofre Nuclear …
New Chair Mayor Park of Seoul spearheads energy and emissions savings plan in cities worldwide
In the run up to COP18, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the World Mayors Council on Climate Change and Seoul Metropolitan Government hosted a number of events including a World Mayors Dialogue. The Dialogue enabled local leaders to present their success stories and exchange ideas with international and Korean …
Nuclear power: too big to fail?
Japan’s nuclear future Monday 6 February 2012 Nuclear power: too big to fail? What is the future for nuclear power in the world after the Fukushima disaster? This is a question that is surely keeping a lot of people up at night across the globe. In industry as well as …
Nuclear emergency in Japan: lessons for India
Nuclear emergency in Japan: lessons for India NL-Aid As stated by Hazel Henderson, a columnist (Deccan Herald of 29.6.2010), “Nuclear energy, heavily subsidized since its inception, is still the most …
ESC – Club of Rome / Newsflash 99
CALENDAR Overview of Club of Rome Events ALL OCTOBER EVENTS IN DETAIL Vienna: A Needle Eye as Large as a Camel (Oct 3) Valencia: Past, Present and Future of Nuclear Energy (Oct 3) Barcelona: Evolution of Beliefs and Values (Oct 4) Vienna: Energy Counseling in Virtual Spaces (Oct 13) Ottawa: …
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