Crowdnetic Announces Agenda for Crowdfinance 2014 ONLY A FEW TICKETS LEFT!!!

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Crowdfunding

The industry’s premier crowd finance event. Crowdnetic Announces Agenda for Crowdfinance 2014 ONLY A FEW TICKETS LEFT!!! Visit: The conference will be held at Thomson Reuters’ Conference Center in Midtown Manhattan. Bringing together financial veterans, legal experts and industry leaders, the program features speakers from leading peer-lending marketplace platforms such as Prosper, OnDeck, Kabbage, …

Crowdnetic Announces Agenda for Crowdfinance 2014

Jay OwenCrowdfunding

              Crowdnetic Announces Agenda for Crowdfinance 2014   The premier event for the peer-lending marketplace and equities crowdfunding industries will feature prominent leaders and seasoned financial veterans.   New York, NY – Crowdnetic, the leading provider of technology and market data solutions to the …