Financial Times: Strip private banks of their power to create money

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance

Ethical Markets fully supports Positive Money .  Congratulations on this breakthrough into mainstream media – Hazel Henderson, Editor Another major breakthrough in the monetary reform debate!   Fantastic news: The debate on money reform goes mainstream! Last week has the leading UK economics commentator, the Financial Times’ Martin Wolf, argued that “the …

Bank of England talks about money creation for the first time

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, SRI/ESG News

We have some seriously big news to announce!  1) Huge milestone in our campaign When we launched the Positive Money campaign 3 and half years ago and started talking about the fact that banks create money, we were faced with disbelief and shock. A common response was: ‘I don’t believe you. I …

The United Kingdom Parliament Environmental Audit Committee: Wellbeing, Green Finance

Jay OwenBeyond GDP

The Environmental Audit Committee to take evidence on Well-being from Cabinet Office Minister and officials 11/28/2013 03:43 PM GMT The Environmental Audit Committee will hold its final public evidence session on its inquiry into Well-being at 3 pm on Wednesday 4 December, in the Thatcher Room, Portcullis House. Green Finance – …

Building Your Financial Lifeboat?

Ethical MarketsReforming Global Finance, SRI/ESG News

We at Ethical Markets congratulate this Tesla Conference ISTA Organizing Committee for the ground-breaking conference in split, Croatia, at which I, also, was honored to  present, Hazel Henderson, Editor New types of money based on energy could provide the best way to protect your wealth and/or business in the next …

Greece and the Euro: Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover

Ethical MarketsReforming Global Finance

Ellen Brown June 4, 2012 The problem is all inside your head she said to me The answer is easy if you take it logically I’d like to help you in your struggle to be free There must be fifty ways to leave your lover.   –Lyrics by Paul Simon     …

Mike Lewis – Announcing Launch of ‘The Resilience Imperative’

Ethical MarketsSustainability News, Books and Reviews

New Society Publishers, the Canadian Centre for Community Renewal, the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance, and the new economics foundation announce the release of The Resilience Imperative Co-operative Transitions to a Steady-State Economy By Michael Lewis, Canadian Centre for Community Renewal and Pat Conaty, new economics foundation, U.K. This is a book …

FUTURE MONEY: Breakdown or Breakthrough?

kristyReforming Global Finance

James Robertson Newsletter No. 35 – April 2012 The full Newsletter can also be viewed at 1. My new book FUTURE MONEY: Breakdown or Breakthrough? – – will be published on 19 April by Green Books. Subscribers to this newsletter will be given access to a free pdf …