COOPERATIVES CAN BUILD SOCIO-ECONOMIC RESILIENCE DURING CRISES — UNOFFICIALS New York, Jul 6 2013 11:00AM The International Day of Cooperatives provides an opportunity to spotlight how such enterprises canhelp build resilience in all socio-economic spheres in times of “globaluncertainty,” United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Saturday.“Over the course of the ongoing …
Research: Calculating the Hidden Risks of Environmental Damage
Research: Calculating the Hidden Risks of Environmental Damage A new analysis reveals that some business activities do not generate sufficient profit to cover their natural resource use and pollution costs, creating large, hidden risks that affect some industries operating in …
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: Topography of Eastern Seaboard muddles ancient sea level changes
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News Topography of Eastern Seaboard muddles ancient sea level changes How should geophysics contribute to disaster planning? Research into carbon storage in Arctic tundra reveals unexpected insight into ecosystem resiliency World’s biggest ice sheets likely more stable than previously believed World’s melting glaciers making large contribution to …
INCOME DISPARITY POSES GREATEST RISK TO GLOBAL ECONOMY A major systemic financial failure. Extreme weather patterns. A water supply crisis, weapons of mass destruction, religious fanaticism, stark income disparity, cyber attacks – and those are just a few of the major risks to the global economy this year. In a …
Coke, Ford join forces to juice supply of plant-based plastic
In the News Coke, Ford join forces to juice supply of plant-based plastic By Amy Westervelt Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and several other Fortune 500 companies are working to address the supply shortages that have stymied the goal of make the 100-percent plant-based plastic bottle ubiquitous….Read More Why are institutional investors ignoring …
How Much Will it Cost to Save Our Economy’s Foundation?
We at Ethical Markets see these totals of $110 billion per year Earth Policy Institute estimates needed to restore our ecological assets on which our human survival depends, as the best investment we can make in our common future. The money currently being hoarded by corporations and wasted in inappropriate …
What are Sustainable Development Goals?
IGES ISSUE BRIEF for RIO+20 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) launched the IGES Rio+20 Issue Briefs Series, contributing to negotiations on the Rio+20 outcome document. Further …
Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Bulletin
Volume 141 Number 4 – Thursday, 12 May 2011 GLOBAL PLATFORM HIGHLIGHTS Wednesday, 11 May 2011 On Wednesday, participants continued meeting in plenary to discuss the economics of disasters, followed by an informal plenary on the implementation of the outcomes of the Mid-term Review of the Hyogo Framework for Action …
Can U.S. Nuclear Plants Handle a Major Natural Disaster?
Can U.S. Nuclear Plants Handle a Major Natural Disaster? by John Sullivan, Special to ProPublica March 13, 2011, 5:12 p.m. Personal message Print Share255 Futaba Kosei Hospital patients who might have been exposed to radiation are carried into the compound of Fukushima Gender Equality Centre in Nihonmatsu on March 13, …
Over 100 insurers call for greater action to adapt the developing world to climate change
UNEP FI and partners launch global insurance industry statement on adapting to climate change in developing countries UNEP FI, in collaboration with three insurance initiatives, the Geneva Association, the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) and ClimateWise, will today launch a global insurance industry statement on adapting to climate change in …