The state of the future: 2013–14

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News, Trendspotting

On Thursday March 20, The Millennium Project, a global participatory think tank, will launch the “2013–14 State of the Future” report at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars from about 12:20 to 1:30 pm EDT, with an open-access webcast. The “State of the Future” is a comprehensive annual overview of the present global situation …

Friday Video: POWERING THE PLANET Earth: The Operators’ Manual

Jay OwenEarth Systems Science

POWERING THE PLANET Earth: The Operators’ Manual (program 2)  Brazil has sugar cane… Denmark has wind… Morocco has sunshine… China has plans… And America has… politics and indecision.  Using compelling stories that showcase the many ways in which great nations and smaller communities are finding sustainable solutions that provide for …


Jay OwenEarth Systems Science

EARTH: THE OPERATORS’ MANUAL (Program 1: premiered 2011, re-run 2012) We have manuals for the things we value, like our cars and computers. So why not a manual for the most complex operating system of all—the Earth? Is the planet due for an oil change? Why are fossil fuels unsustainable? …

Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Networks Developed


Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Networks Developed Posted: 31 Aug 2012 08:10 AM PDT The National Science Foundation is funding a project to create distortion-tolerant communications for wireless networks that can work with very little power. The aim of the research is to improve the wireless sensors deployed in remote areas where the …

WINDOW2050 Clelbrating International Women’s Day at the RSA, London

kristyGlobal Citizen

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we’re bringing together a number of speakers to share with you their thoughts on the future for women from WINDOW2050’s six perspectives. Event Speaker contributing to Image, Consumption & Responsible Lifestyles: Hazel Henderson – Ethical Markets Media, LLC (via live videocast from US courtesy of …

Detailed Research Shows Over $3 Trillion Invested In Green Transition

Ethical MarketsGreen Prosperity

St. Augustine, FL, February 29, 2012 — ethical markets Media, LLC (USA and Brazil), released their 2012 GREEN TRANSITION SCOREBOARD® tracking private sector investments since 2007 in green companies and technologies globally, now totaling more than $3.3 trillion. The 2012 Green Transition Scoreboard® (GTS) report finds Asia, Europe and Latin …

The Green Transition: A Personal Note from Hazel Henderson

Ethical MarketsArticles by Hazel Henderson, Green Transition Scoreboard

The global economy is now at a tipping point – emerging from the 300-year fossil-fueled Industrial Era to the cleaner, greener information-rich renewable energy societies which I predicted in my The Politics of the Solar Age in 1981.  Although prominently reviewed in the New York Times and based on six …