GEA Seeks Entries for the Best in Geothermal

Jay OwenGreentech

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Shawna Seldon 917.971.7852     GEA Seeks Entries for the Best in Geothermal -Deadline Extended Until September 6–   Washington, D.C. (August 6, 2013) – The Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) has extended the deadline to submit a nomination for GEA Honors 2013 to Friday, Sept. 6.   “After two successful years …

Hold on, you move too fast


old on, you move too fast ‘The most massive energy programme ever proposed anywhere in the world outside war-time conditions.’ That’s how energy analyst Andrew MacKillop, the author of today’s new publication on European Energy Review, describes current EU energy and climate policy. This is not, in fact, how EU …