Daily News Alert The Failure of Fiduciary Duty: A Ready-to-Use Corporate Umbrella? “Companies that use the excuse of “fiduciary duty” to avoid good corporate behavior aren’t serving their investors well.” It used to be that the relationship between a stockowner and a company was clear. You invested money, …
Citizens Disunited by Robert A. G. Monks
Citizens Disunited: Passive Investors, Drone CEOs, and the Corporate Capture of the American Dream “More invaluable advice from Robert A.G. Monks, ‘Mr. Corporate Responsibility’ on both sides of the Atlantic for decades. Monks analyzes the new breed of dysfunctional ‘drone corporations’ whose shares are so widely-held as to be out …
Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behavior – 2012.
Congratulations to Hazel Henderson, president and founder of Ethical Markets Media, for being named again in 2012 as a Thought Leader in Trustworthy Business Behavior. Hazel has pionered ethical business behavior, for example with the EthicMark®, which she also founded and guides, for advertising that uplifts the human spirit and …
Robert Monk’s Keynote Address at ICGN Conference
Robert Monk’s Keynote Address at ICGN Conference Posted: 29 Sep 2011 12:03 AM PDT Here is the full-text of Robert Monks keynote address at the 2011 Annual Conference of the International Corporate Governance Network. L’Appel This is a call to those responsible for the savings and dreams of hundreds of …
Bob Monks: FCIC Part II, Economic Disenfranchisement & more…
Responding to the FCIC Report, Part II There were many losers in this crisis, but there was a consistent, if small, class of winners: the principal executives of the major financial institutions — both those that survived and those that did not — all walked away unscathed and uncensured. Read …
Bob Monks: New Message & A New Site
Responding to the FCIC report, Part I Many people have commented on the Financial Crisis Inquiry Report released in January. After following the Commission’s progress and reading much of the press on it, I also offer my thoughts and I present two main for discussion: the financial crisis was and …