Why Solar Stocks Regardless of what solar stocks are currently doing the most important thing to remember is that we are just at the very beginning of the growth of the solar industry – the growth curve worldwide is just starting to climb the steepest part of its growth curve …
Are Utilities Missing Out on the Benefits of Combined Heat and Power?
NEWS RELEASE Media Contact: Patrick Kiker pkiker@aceee.org 202.507.4043 Are Utilities Missing Out on the Benefits of Combined Heat and Power? When a power plant generates power, it also generates massive amounts of heat. Though that heat is a valuable resource, it is typically rejected as waste …
New Coalition Forms to Fight Tax Dodgers and Financial Secrecy
A publication of FACT Coalitiion New Rules for Global Finance is pleased to join with other organizations in announcing the launch of the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) campaign and coalition. As the name indicates, FACT is a campaign to achieve greater financial accountability and transparency within financial institutions, …