Sunday night, March 30th, 60 Minutes is doing a story on market structure, computer trading and Michael Lewis’s new book “Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt,” which is being released Monday. This show (and the book) are highly anticipated and hopefully will jump start the long simmering, but largely dormant discussion …
THE CROWD CAFE: Mapping the Crowdinvesting Ecosystem
Don’t hesitate to get in touch! Mapping the Crowdinvesting Ecosystem Dec 16, 2013 12:00 pm | Jonathan Sandlund |View Original Post| A colorful ecosystem is evolving around the investment crowdfunding industry. Companies are developing products and services to alleviate nearly every conceivable pain point of the system’s stakeholders, including …
PRICE DISCOVERY, MARKET COMPLETION AND OTHER FANTASIES OF ECONOMISTS By Hazel Henderson © 2013, for IPS Syndication Service While debating a high frequency trader (HFT) recently, I encountered the familiar rationalizations that HFT contributes to liquidity and price discovery in markets. Assertions about liquidity are hard to justify after the …
Novethic Research: Looking for measuring ESG investment performance
Looking for measuring ESG investment performance 18 February 2013. For the first time, Novethic has analysed the SRI performance indicators developed by some asset managers and a handful of asset owners. The aim is to measure, for example, whether socially responsible investment contributes to generating fewer carbon emissions, creating more …
Global carbon market value rises 4%
Global carbon market value rises 4% The value of the global carbon market climbed 4% in 2011, despite dramatically lower prices in the largest market in Europe, according to analysis by Thomson Reuters Point Carbon. More >>> Dismal fourth quarter for clean energy investments Clean energy investment slumped in the …
Has the Sell-off Created Value Stocks Among Clean Energy Conglomerates? :
Has the Sell-off Created Value Stocks Among Clean Energy Conglomerates? Posted: 28 Aug 2011 10:53 AM PDT Tom Konrad CFA The silver lining of all market declines is the chance to buy stock in quality companies at attractive prices. That opportunity has been notably absent over the last two years, …
Significant Development on the Smart FTT
Guest Blog by Angus Cunningham, Principal, Authentix Coaches,, March 2011 The New York Times carried an article yesterday by Gretchen Morgenson, who often writes on issues of financial reform, in which the US Treasury appears, so far, to be supporting the case of big banks for unrestricted freedom in …