SMARTPLANET DAILY: Solar Roadways funding nears $2 million

Jay OwenCrowdfunding

  MANAGE | READ ONLINE | PREVIOUS   SmartPlanet Daily A DAILY BRIEFING OF THE NEWEST STORIES ON SMARTPLANET, FIVE DAYS A WEEK. June 06, 2014 FROM THE DESK OF … Halfway through their crowdfunding campaign, Solar Roadways has already doubled their funding goal and broken the Indiegogo record for …

SMARTPLANET DAILY: FROM THE ARCHIVES: Changing poverty with a simple handout

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, SRI/ESG News

“ We support the use on conditional cash transfers, see my editorials , which have successfully brought millions out of poverty in Brazil and Mexico , Hazel Henderson Editor “   MANAGE | READ ONLINE | PREVIOUS   SmartPlanet Daily A DAILY BRIEFING OF THE NEWEST STORIES ON SMARTPLANET, FIVE …

SMARTPLANET DAILY: Top 10 U.S. cities to start a new business

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News, Trendspotting

  MANAGE | READ ONLINE | PREVIOUS   SmartPlanet Daily A DAILY BRIEFING OF THE NEWEST STORIES ON SMARTPLANET, FIVE DAYS A WEEK. May 09, 2014 FROM THE DESK OF … Number three is Omaha, NE and two is Miami, FL. You’ll (probably) never guess the number one U.S. city …