Inrate Sustainability Breakfast: Active shareholders do vote – but in favour of what? The Inrate Sustainability Breakfast on April16th in Zurich and on April 25th in Geneva received again high approval. On the Inrate website, you will now find a short summary of the event as well as these documents: …
Tamera Newsletter April 2013
Tamera Newsletter (click here to read online) April 2013 Dear friends of Tamera, with most warmhearted greetings from Tamera we want to inform you about two initiatives and invite you to take part: 1. The TERRA NOVA SCHOOL will …
Top Story: Businesses barter for health care
Share Top Stories for Monday, March 25, 2013 Businesses barter for health care Looking for ways to help employees cover health-care costs, more Central Florida businesses are turning to bartering and trading goods and services for medical care Pay by phone technology raises privacy, security concerns Your smart …
Bill Gates pushes high-tech (corporate) agriculture…but who benefits?
“Big Ag, including the Monsantos of the world, would have you believe that GM foods, and all the chemicals and fertilizers that go with them, are the solution to world hunger. It’s an argument that should be challenged far more energetically than it is. Sadly, it looks like Gates, with …
The Foresight Network
The Foresight Network Laurel Awards We are pleased to announce that the Foresight Network Board has recognised Wendell Bell, Michel Godet and Peter Schwartz with Laurel Awards for their outstanding contributions to Future Thinking based on the highest votes received from the FN membership. You can read about their citations …