Ethical Markets congratulates Lisa Hall in her new career move and welcomes Jennifer Pryce as Calvert Foundation’s new CEO ! Hazel Henderson , Editor and former member of the Advisory Council at Calvert Group. It’s a win-win. Earn a financial return and support communities. Empowering Investors to Empower Communities SEPTEMBER …
SRI Conference 2013: The Future of Investing
The Future of Investing Please mark your calendar and plan to attend The SRI Conference—the oldest and largest gathering of Sustainable, Responsible, Impact (SRI) investors and investment professionals in North America. Join us for the 24th annual SRI Conference: October 28-30, 2013, at The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Agenda Tracks: ? …
GreenMoney Celebrates 20 Years of Sustainable Business and Investing
Congratulations to GreenMoney on 20 years covering sustainable business and investing and for visualizing a great 20 years of sustainable investing to come. Thank you for including our “Statement on Transforming Finance Based on Ethics and Life’s Principles” in your 20th Anniversary Edition. ~Ethical Markets Editor In celebration of GreenMoney …
Social Impact Report and the next 20 years of impact investing
Dear Friends, Last week we released our 2012 Social Impact Report, which describes the positive change that our investors and donors help create in communities around the world. The dollar signs and stories we feature throughout the report would not be possible without our investors. Through your investments, we?re financing …