The Next Scientific (R)evolution with Erivn Laszlo, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Duane Elgin, Ken Wilber and Riane Eisler

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen, Trendspotting

We are living at a truly monumental point in human history when the paradigm of reality is shifting in every area, including science. Fascinating evidence mounting from every direction is causing the materialist paradigm of science to break down. What will replace the materialist paradigm? And how will that new …

Breaking news: Ken Wilber joins Simpol’s Advisory Board

kristyGlobal Citizen, Sustainability News

Simpol International – News Update Simultaneous Policy: using our votes for global co-operation Friday, March 23, 2012 Ken Wilber joins Simpol’s Advisory Board Ken Wilber, the internationally renowned philosopher and founder of Integral Theory, has joined Simpol’s international Advisory Board. A long-time advocate of global governance as a means for …