Two Upcoming Conferences on Ecological Economics

kristyBeyond GDP

“Degrowth in the Americas” International Conference Montreal, Quebec, Canada May 13-19, 2012 Speakers include: David Suzuki, William Rees, Mary Evelyn Tucker, John Fullerton, Alain Gras, Joan Martinez-Alier, Serge Mongeau, Elizabeth Peredo Beltrán, Juliet Schor, Peter Victor, François Schneider Want social and environmental justice? Montreal conference to explore alternatives to …

Nov 5th NYC/31st Annual Schumacher Lectures

kristyReforming Global Finance, Community Development Solutions, Global Citizen

The Thirty-first Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures will be held Saturday, November 5, 2011 from 10am-5pm. Speakers are Gar Alperovitz, Juliet Schor, and a Special Panel “Voices of Today’s Youth: Occupy Wall Street and the Call for a New Economy.” The location is the Community Church of New York, 40 …