ISIS Report 28/07/14SiS ReviewEquality is Good for You########################RG Wilkinson and KE Pickett. The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better forEveryone. Penguin Books. Pp 349 £9.99. ISBN 978-0-141-03236-8.Prof Peter Saunders: Money doesn’t buy you happiness but equality might. It seems obvious that the way to improve the lot of most people in a …
Going With the Flow Battery
New flow batteries provide just the right energy storage for intermittent renewables such as solar and wind to guarantee constant supply throughout the grid Prof Peter Saunders A fully referenced and illustrated version of this article is posted on ISIS members website and is otherwise available for download here Please circulate widely and repost, …
New GMO Studies Demonstrate ‘Substantial Non-Equivalence’
========================================================gm maize and counterparts. This makes a mockery of the regulatory principle of ‘Substantial Equivalence’The concept of ‘Substantial Equivalence’ was first introduced in 1993 by theOrganisation for US Food and Drug Administration, theCanadian Food Inspection Agency and Japan’s Ministry of egypt showed substantial non-equivalence and toxicity for GM cornIn April …
Hawaii’s Big Island Leads the Way in Banning GMOs
Big Island ban GMO testing and cultivation while other counties step up their campaigns to regulate GM testing and farming, but agritech giants are already gearing up for a fight Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji Please circulate widely and repost, but you must give the URL of the original and preserve all the …
SIS scientific publication November 2013 The New Genetics and Natural versus Artificial Genetic Modification
SIS scientific publication November 2013 The New Genetics and Naturalversus Artificial Genetic Modification###################################################################Mae-Wan Ho, Entropy 2013, 15, 4748-81.Abstract: The original rationale and impetus for artificial geneticmodification was the “central dogma” of molecular biology that assumed DNAcarries all the instructions for making an organism, which are transmittedvia rna to protein to …
Time to move on from redefining the problems and concentrate on solutions already seeded on the ground.
############################################Time to move on from redefining the problems and concentrate on solutionsalready seeded on the ground. Prof Roger LeakeyEditor’s NoteThis article describes one of many case studies and solutions to povertypresented recently in UNCTAD’s Trade and Environment Report [1] (see [2]Paradigm Shift Urgently Needed In Agriculture, SiS 60)Redefining problems without …
Plants Warn One Another of Pest Attack through Mycorrhizal Fungal Network
======================================================== ISIS Report 28/10/13 Plants Warn One Another of Pest Attack through Mycorrhizal Fungal Network ######################################################################### Exquisite inter-species relationships between plants and fungi threatened by industrial farming. Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji Underground intercom between plants A network of the soil microorganism – arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi – act as an underground intercommunications …
Scientists Declare No Consensus on GMO Safety
ISIS Report 21/10/13Scientists Declare No Consensus on GMO Safety#############################################A group of 93 scientists from all over the world deplore the disinformationover the safety of GMOs and expose the lack of empirical and scientificevidence on which the false claims of “consensus” on safety are being madeSign the statement or see the …
Egypt – ISIS (Integrated Synergistic Information System)
As a member of the Millennium Project ‘s Planning Committee I applaud this creative initiative , Hazel henderson, Editor The Millennium Project has begun to work with the Egyptian Academy ofScientific Research and Technology to create the first national fully publiccollective intelligence system in the world to be …